Concept | Keywords | Description | Code Examples | |
1 | Printing text | Keyword 'print' is used to print information. If you add comma after a print statement, the output of the following print statement is shown in the same line. | Example1, Example2, Example3, Example4, | |
2 | Comments | You can add comments in your code by using the symbol '#'. All text right of '#' are ignored by the program. | Example1, Example2 | |
3 | Calculations with numbers | Standard arithmetic symbols like '+','-','*','/' work the same way in Python. The symbol '**' gives power of a number. The symbol '%' gives the modulo after division. Floating point numbers can be declared by using a decimal point. | Example1 | |
4 | Numbers and Boolean Variables | and, or, not | Variables store numbers or text for later use in the program. Logical variables hold values True/False. They are useful in controlling the flow of the program. | Example1, Example2, Example3, Example4, Example5, Example6 |
5 | String Variables | String variables store characters. | Example1, Example2, Example3 | |
6 | Python is not Algebra | The meanings of instructions like x=x+5 is different between Python and algebra. | Example1, Example2, Example3, Example4 | |
7 | Lists and Dictionaries | in, del | Lists and dictionaries hold multiple numbers together. The indices of lists are ordered integers starting from 0, whereas dictionaries can have string-based indices. | Example1, Example2, Example3 |
8 | Keywords Are Special Words | Python's 31 keyworlds are special. You cannot name a variable using any of them. | Example1 | |
9 | Built-in Functions | Python has many useful built-in functions to simplify tasks - e.g. -range(), len(), sort(), float(), int(), str(). | Example1 | |
10 | List-related Functions | Python includes a number of useful functions for processing lists, e.g. index(), append(), remove(), del(). | Example1 | |
11 | String-related Functions | Python string acts like an immutable list, and all list-related functions are also ported to strings. Additional string specific functions - toupper(), tolower(), strip(). | Example1 | |
12 | Standard Flow of Code | A python script starts from the first line of code in the file and runs every line until finishing with the last line of code in the file. | ||
13 | Conditional Statements | if, else, elif | The keywords 'if', 'else' and 'elif' are used for conditional execution of certain lines of code. | Example1, Example2 |
14 | 'for' Loops | for | The keyword 'for' is used to loop over the same code many times. | Example1, Example2, Example3 |
15 | 'while' Loops | while, break, continue | The keyword 'while' is used to loop over the same code until a condition is satisfied. | Example1, Example2, Example3, Example4 |
16 | Input/Output | The functions input() and raw_input() process input from the terminal. The functions readline() and readlines() read lines from a given file. | You cannot run this in the sandbox. | |
17 | Multi-file Code | import | You cannot run this in the sandbox. | |
18 | Creating New Functions | def, return | A function means lines of code with a given name. When the name is called later in the program, the corresponding lines of code are executed. Apart from in-built functions, users can create own functions using keywords 'def' and 'return'. | Example1, Example2, Example3, Example4 |
19 | Classes | class | A class combines variables and functions together in one 'object'. | Example1 |
20 | Iterables | Example1 | ||
21 | Library - Regular Expression | Regular expression is a special sublanguage to make searches through strings easy. Python's 're' library facilitates the use of regular expressions. | Example1, Example2, Example3, Example4 | |
22 | Library - Random | the functions randint() and uniform() from 'random' library are used to generate random numbers. | Example1, Example2 |